Interesting that the recent American Idol had the top 8 finalists singing a Christian song. Doubt this will ever happen at the Singapore Idol, Malaysian Idol....
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Packing Ordeal

Didn't realized how much stuff I have accumulated over the last ten years! Since I'll be moving into a smaller office with very limited working space, some things have to go.
Hopefully, I can clear everything by next Monday. Thanks to Stan, for offering to help me move.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Simply Childlike

As we grow older, we tend to lose many traits or qualities often found in children - childlike faith, innocence and simplicity.
Children normally don't question the things we tell them. As we grow older, we tend to become more skeptical, even cynical! We want to understand everything and have all the answers.
Children are not duly bothered about what others think or say about them. They are not concerned about looking "cool" and sophisticated. They just act the way they are - they are just very much themselves! They are generally inquisitive and eager to learn. They are not afraid to ask - and to them, there's no such thing as a stupid question.
As we grow older, many things get in the way of our learning. We tend to become more set in our thinking, more fixed in our ways and our habits ingrained. Often, we have to unlearn the learnt in order to learn new things. In other words, we may need to let go some of our own perception of things, our sense of security, our fears and prejudices.
When God tells us to become like little children, he's not telling us to be childish - but to be childlike in our attitude.
Hence, whether it's learning new things or simply trusting, it pays to adopt a childlike quality - one that is marked by true humility, submission and plain, simple faith!
Pic: Yong En (god-son) when he was just a few months old.
Friday, May 16, 2008
A Familiar Experience

I can certainly identify with this...every day having to wake up in the wee hours of the morning to take my furry babies out to do their things. And they will take their own sweet time strolling, scratching, sniffing around...
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Annyong-hee Kaseyo!
How quickly the years have passed, and it's time to return to your home in South Korea.
Thanks...Michael, Esther, Hee Ju & Hee Min for being part of our life and ministry at LPPC!
May God bless you and keep you in His love always!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
A Good Sleep

Though we spend one third of our life sleeping, such a time does not seem to count. We live in a society that measures life by the amount of activities one can squeeze into one day.
To some people, sleep is such a waste of time. Many try to increase their working hour by reducing their sleeping time.
Once there was this guy who boasted that he could only afford 4 hours of sleep every day, due to his busy schedules and business commitments. He claimed that on some days, he did not even sleep at all. I certainly don't envy him or like to be in his shoes.
God has given us a body that requires adequate rest and sleep. We lie down drained and worn out; we wake up refreshed, regenerated and restored.
Being able to sleep is a blessing.
Being able to wake up refreshed is also a blessing.
Good night and sleep well!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Good Food & Good Companions
Yong Kuang & I always look forward to such an event. Reason is
I always appreciate Helena’s cooking and Peter’s excellent choice of wines. You could taste their love and concern for the guests that step into their home each time.
But in order to enjoy Helena’s
However, our car had other ideas. She decided to spring a leak. Yes, a leak in the tyre. Perhaps she was staging a silent protest. After all she did get us to the Poons, time after time. In order to reward her, we got her a pair of brand new Japanese tyres.
When we got
We ended the sumptuous meal with a platter of passion fruit, mangoes, kiwi fruits and oranges.
During the course of the meal, the family mascot made her appearance. A gorgeous cat named Sasha. She sashayed in and she sashayed out.

It was a wonderful evening with the Poons and Kay Sing, our other good ‘makan kaki’. Yes, I am looking forward to our next rendevous and I wonder what new
(words by zinnia, photos by yk)
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